Periodontal Services
Periodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease as well as the process of replacing teeth with dental implants. Periodontists receive up to three years of additional, specialized training in treating periodontal disease and other conditions.
Periodontists are also specialists in treating oral inflammation and any condition requiring either non-surgical treatment or oral plastic surgery. Oftentimes, periodontists are treating conditions caused by periodontal disease and its effects such as persistent bad breath or gum recession.
Dental Implants
We are proud to offer dental implants for our patients. Dental implants are roots placed in your mouth for either permanent teeth to be placed on or ones that you can remove.
Dental implants are done to improve a patient’s smile and usually their self esteem. Having missing or bad teeth can be quite embarrassing. Dental implants also can be done to improve oral health. Many people find it easier to eat with dental implants. Their speech can also be improved. Dental implants are also more comfortable because they are made to become permanent.
Gum Grafting
Gum grafting treatment for receding gums works best for patients who are suffering from more extensive gum loss where gum disease cannot be resolved by a professional cleaning alone. This procedure can help repair the damaged area of the gums and work to prevent further gum tissue loss. In addition to stopping recession, gum graft treatment will better protect the roots of the teeth from decay by giving the patient more gum line, and reduce tooth sensitivity to hot and cold foods.
During a gum graft procedure, the patient doesn’t feel a thing as we use a local anesthetic to keep them pain-free. After the operation, the patient may experience some soreness and slight discomfort, which can be effectively treated with a combination of rest, cold compresses, and, if needed, prescription medication. With proper care, the gum graft will protect the previously exposed root and serve as a healthier gum line, restoring your smile and confidence.
Osseous Surgery
Osseous surgery, also known as pocket reduction surgery, is a procedure that gets rid of bacteria living in pockets. During the procedure, a surgeon cuts back your gums, removes the bacteria, and repairs damaged bone.
The main goal of osseous surgery is to eliminate or reduce pockets formed by gum disease.
Mild gum disease that hasn’t spread to your jawbone or connective tissue is called gingivitis. It’s thought that as many as 90 percent of people around the world have gingivitis.
If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis. Periodontitis can cause damage to the bone that supports your teeth. If gum disease and pockets aren’t treated properly, they can eventually lead to tooth loss.
Surgeries for gum disease, including osseous surgery, have a high success rate.
Avoiding tobacco, following good dental hygiene, and listening to your dentist’s post-surgery recommendations can increase the effectiveness of the surgery.
Osseous surgery is generally safe, but in some cases, it can cause:
- tooth sensitivity
- bleeding
- gum recession
- tooth loss
source: Healthline
Bone Grafting
For many cosmetic or restorative dentistry procedures, one of the most important factors dentists consider before discussing treatment options is the amount of bone volume a patient has within his or her jaw. Bone volume is crucial to holding dental implant posts in place and ensuring that the treatment is successful.
Bone loss is fairly common especially among people who suffer from missing teeth, oral trauma, and gum disease, but can be rebuilt through bone grafting. At Wilkie J. Stadeker, D.D.S., we are proud to offer bone grafting whether your bone loss is severe or mild.
Scaling & Root Planing
Scaling and root planing are a more in-depth, thorough cleaning treatment recommended for patients who may be suffering from periodontal disease. Also known as gum disease, this type of gum infection is caused by bacteria and plaque forming on your teeth over time and causing inflammation. While serious, periodontal disease is treatable. However, it can lead to bone or tooth loss if not treated quickly.
After the scaling is complete, we will move onto root planing. The root planing technique is used to smooth out the tooth’s root and ultimately remove the pocket caused by bacteria. When the root has been effectively smoothed, the gums can be reattached and have a greater chance of fully healing.
Some patients report mild discomfort during the procedure and increased sensitivity after the treatment is complete, but with a personalized treatment plan, we can help manage any discomfort and pain. Moving forward, practicing good oral hygiene is paramount for making sure that periodontal disease doesn’t become worse after seeking initial treatment at our office.
Crown Lengthening
For patients who believe that their smile is too “gummy” or that their teeth are too short, we are proud to offer crown lengthening services to fix those concerns. Crown lengthening procedures are done to expose more of the tooth and remove extra gum tissue. By doing this, we can reshape your gums and help give your teeth the look and shape you desire. In addition to the life-changing results, crown lengthening is a minimally-invasive procedure that will allow for a more balanced, even smile.
The recovery time for the crown lengthening procedure is approximately three months. As your gums heal, you’ll be able to resume normal habits and functions. In recovery, you will be asked to avoid demanding activities during the first two to three days after your operation. Some patients report mild discomfort during the procedure and increased sensitivity after the treatment is complete, but with a personalized treatment plan we can help manage any discomfort and pain. Moving forward, practicing good oral hygiene is paramount.
Gingivectomy is surgical removal of gum tissue, or gingiva. Gingivectomy can be used to treat conditions like gingivitis. It’s also used to remove extra gum tissue for cosmetic reasons, such as to modify a smile.
A dentist may recommend gingivectomy if you have gum recession from:
- aging
- gum diseases, like gingivitis
- bacterial infections
- gum injury
Gingivectomy for gum disease
If you have gum disease, a dentist may recommend this procedure to prevent future gum damage as well as give your dentist easier access to the teeth for cleaning.
Gum disease often creates openings at the bottom of the teeth. These openings can lead to a buildup of:
- plaque
- bacteria
- hardened plaque, known as calculus or tartar
Those buildups can then lead to further damage.
Your dentist may also recommend this procedure if they discover gum disease or infection during a check-up or cleaning, and want to stop its progression.
source: Healthline
A frenectomy, also known as a frenotomy, can refer to any procedure where binding tissue on the body is cut or modified. Most of the time, however, the term refers to an oral procedure meant to resolve a tongue tie or a lip tie.
Frenectomy procedures are quite common, especially during the infant stage of life.
In your mouth, the “frenum” refers to a piece of soft tissue connected to the lips and gums. If the frenum is too short or too tight, it can interfere with breastfeeding, swallowing, or speech development.
source: Healthline
Sinus Lift
Sinus lift surgery is a treatment approach your dentist may recommend when you desire dental implants but don’t have enough jaw bone to secure the implant.
Other names for this procedure include sinus augmentation or sinus graft. Several kinds of medical specialists may perform this procedure, such as a periodontists or oral surgeons.
A sinus lift refers to the augmentation or lifting up of the maxillary sinus to make more room for new bone.
The maxillary sinuses are air-filled cavities that are located just above the back portion of the maxilla or upper jaw. By lifting the sinus and grafting bone in between, there’s more bone for a doctor to place a dental implant.
If you don’t have enough upper jaw bone, the implant can’t properly anchor, and your new dental implant can’t perform some more demanding tasks, such as chewing.
source: Healthline
Cone Beam
Dental cone beam computed tomography (CT) is a special type of x-ray machine used in situations where regular dental or facial x-rays are not sufficient. This type of CT scanner uses a special type of technology to generate three dimensional (3-D) images of dental structures, soft tissues, nerve paths and bone in the craniofacial region in a single scan. Images obtained with cone beam CT allow for more precise treatment planning.
With cone beam CT, an x-ray beam in the shape of a cone is moved around the patient to produce a large number of images, also called views. CT scans and cone beam CT both produce high-quality images.
Cone beam CT provides detailed images of the bone and is performed to evaluate diseases of the jaw, dentition, bony structures of the face, nasal cavity and sinuses. It does not provide the full diagnostic information available with conventional CT, particularly in evaluation of soft tissue structures such as muscles, lymph nodes, glands and nerves. However, cone beam CT has the advantage of lower radiation exposure compared to conventional CT.
AlloDerm is an effective alternative to palatal donor tissue for treatment of gingival recession. AlloDerm (LifeCell), widely used in both medical and dental surgery over the past 10 years, is an acellular dermal matrix. It is derived from donated human skin tissue supplied by tissue banks in the United States utilizing American Association of Tissue Banks standards and FDA guidelines. Human skin consists of both epidermis and dermis. In nature, the dermis contains a framework of cells and structural components that allow it to regenerate and replace itself continually throughout life.
(1) proteins, including a structurally intact basement membrane;
(2) intact collagen fibers and bundles to support tissue in-growth, to provide the architecture and support for tissue and its vasculature, and to direct cell growth and behavior;
(3) intact elastin filaments for biomechanical integrity; and
(4) hyaluronan and proteoglycans for maintaining hydration and regulating growth factor activity.